Friday, September 21, 2012

New Profile Article - September 2012

Dear Friends,

Here is a brand new profile of the Sergeant Paine documentary, and more about me: 

Talk soon,
Seth Randal
Director, Sergeant Paine

Visit us on Facebook

Dear Friends,

You can learn more about the documentary, Sergeant Paine, by liking our Facebook page at  See you there!

Talk soon,
Seth Randal

Comments on Paine case by late Col. David Hackworth

Dear Friends,

You might appreciate these comments about Sergeant Paul Paine's ordeal by the esteemed late Col. David Hackworth: 

Talk soon,
Seth Randal

Sgt Paine DP Tory Von Wolfe debuts new film

Dear Friends,

Congrats to Tory Von Wolfe, Director of Photography on Sergeant Paine, for this story about a family film he's been working on the past few years. 

Talk soon,Seth Randal

Congrats to donor Carole King

Dear Friends,

Congrats to singer-songwriter Carole King, who is now out with a new memoir. She generously donated several autographed DVDs for our Sergeant Paine event last year. Thanks again! 

Talk soon,Seth Randal

Archival Story about Paine

Dear Friends,

This is an archival story from 1992, before SGM Paul Paine was promoted and sent to early retirement:

Talk soon,
Seth Randal

History of Joint Base Lewis-McChord scrutinized by Nightline

Dear Friends,

After the Afghanistan killings this past spring, ABC News: Nightline looked at what they call the "troubled history" of Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state. 

Talk soon,
Seth Randal

Paine's story in book

Dear Friends,
This book mentions the story of SGM Paul Paine, the subject of Sergeant Paine. The pages referencing his ordeal start on page 83.
Talk soon,
Seth Randal