Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good news!

Some great news to share. As I was up burning the midnight oil, I double-checked our fundraising page. We have our first donations!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Crew Bios

Over the next couple of days, we'll be featuring information about the crew and other interesting tidbits so that people can get to know us better. 

We'll start with the film's director, Seth Randal. Here's his bio plus a behind the scenes shot of Seth shooting the film.

Seth is the writer, director and an editor on the documentary short, “Sergeant Paine.”  Randal has been sharing dramatic, real-life stories for over 15 years, including a career in television journalism.  He has a passion for weaving facts into compelling stories.

He directed “The Fall of ‘55,” a feature-length documentary telling the story of a McCarthy-era gay panic in Boise, Idaho.  That film has appeared at numerous festival and university screenings throughout the country, and is available on DVD through Frameline Distribution and at resellers including  Seth’s second film, “State of Change,” is a 23-minute short available for download as a free iTunes podcast.

Randal’s been interviewed by national media outlets including National Public Radio and The Advocate, and co-authored an opinion piece for The New York Times.  He has previous experience in graphic design, public relations and holds hardware and software certifications from Apple.   Randal is an Idaho native.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sergeant Paine: We officially launched our film fundraising campaign

After a very long conference call between the film's director, Seth Randal and the two producers, Louise Luster (exec producer) and Buffy Naillon, we finally got the fundraising campaign kicked off! If you want to find it on Kickstarter, it's under the title:

Sergeant Paine: Film About Soldier punished for reporting fraud & dangerous gear

We are so excited to bring this important story to the public.

Please support this film! Donation at every level brings gifts to you. And of course, our eternal gratitude!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Launch Day!

Today is our launch day for the fundraising campaign for the film! We're all so excited. Stay tuned as we unveil pictures and footage of the film.

Please come back often. And please visit us on!